Wednesday, 22 January 2014


My new year's revolution
Is to become a Presbyterian
To live in the delirium
Of what's happening from here on in

Is this a long term stay we're in
Or just motel oblivion
When does the sanity begin
Or should we just survive?

And speaking of survive, I strive
To shake the trees and be alive
Stand on the cliff and take the dive
Into the water colder

Each nanosecond we grow older
Each cliffdive fugue becomes much bolder
But standing on that cliff grows mould
Though flying through the air is cold
Why should the chorus end?

Yet there is no chorus to this song
No one is here to sing along
Just switch the lights off as you leave
I have my candle, please do not grieve

So look up
Do you know why?
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a human high
It's superman flying in the sky

Faster than         a speeding bullet
But he's getting older
and he may not still have it
It's time to get the kryptonite
No not the green, he'll lose the fight

More powerful than a locomotive
But if Lois decides to get emotive
Try to leap a tall building, with a single bound
But with focus lost might trip and hit the ground
And scream the pain in movie surround sound

So that's the chorus we're not having
A lifetime's opportunity worth grabbing
Not giving up's the heart of the matter
Don't think about what might shatter, just scatter
like the bull in that China shop, don't stop, break chains loose, snap, crackle, pop

When you don't use it, you'll probably will lose it,
but why not then just choose it, refuse it
to let time just shrink your life
So keep your cape and fly, and be there in the sky
When they look up above manbuilt towers
No reason to lose your Superpowers

Don't let your evolution bring disillusion or dilution,
it's a New Years Revolution, and you're leading in the charge.

Insanity's a choice you make, if realities a thread you make, and break,
don't wait to take a chance and raise the stakes
your chance to be that speeding bullet, fill it like
a rocket that is launched to stars, don't settle just for nearby Mars
It's close enough to drive by car, and living's no more a bridge too far
Look you'll see it's around the corner

So now we know what's here on in, no need for Presbyterians
Your fate is yours, the fate within
And let your music free, begin
to play that music loud

And don't hold back and just be proud,
No need to be part of a brain-dead crowd,
Or hide behind a Holy shroud
And like I said, play music loud

So there is no chorus to this song
You need no one to sing along
But if you have a two part harmony, so much less the need for alarm in me
Remember don't switch lights off as you leave
There are now two candles, please do not grieve.

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